Ücretsiz Müşteri Danışma Hattı 0800 344 14 14
Kep Adresi: bolcahindi@hs01.kep.tr
  • 1980

    Bolu kalite yem sanayi a.ş was found in 1980 .The feed plant capacity was 5 ton per hour at the beginning.

  • 1989

    The production capacity was increased 20 ton per hour in 1989.

  • 1995

    Turkey meat production was started in 1995 with the name of Bolca hindi as a trade mark.

  • 2006

    The new and modern slaughter house investment has finished with the capacity of 1200 bird per hour in 2006

  • 2016

    Bolca hindi keep going on its operation with succes in 2016.