Ücretsiz Müşteri Danışma Hattı 0800 344 14 14
Kep Adresi: bolcahindi@hs01.kep.tr
We canalized our production into turkey breeding due to several reasons. Because turkey meat healthier and has better nutritive values than others. As Bolca Hindi, the first company which breed the Californian White Feathered turkey by contract farming in Bolu in 1995. Celebrating our 20th year, we achieved to reach 90% of Turkish people in the country beside metropolitans like Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya with approximately one thousand sales points. Our company produces 30% of total country turkey meat production. We have 30% share in the market. We present 50 kinds of products to the market. According to biosecurity conditions, our production is made in closedsystem henhouses. All integrations like us, are controlled and audited continuously in all stages of production by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Our only aim is to gain our consumers’ trustby renewing our studies to protect their health and to deserve their respect. We started to total quality studies in 2001. In 2003 we got TS EN ISO 9001:2000 certificates. We have certified with TSE EN ISO 22000 food safety certificates, Gimdes Halal Certificate and TSE EN ISO 14001 Environment Management System. We're currently exporting our products to Middle East, Russia, Asia and Africa. Up to today, as BOLCA, we have been Türkiye’s turkey meat brand and will continue to be in coming years.

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